Long Swimming Pool Steel, Inc. (LSPS, INC.)
has been serving pool companies as a subcontractor since 1972 specializing in steel reinforcing, excavation, plumbing, and elecetrical of swimming pool construction and now offering tile and coping. When you call us; our team will go the extra effort in bringing your customers the qaulity and experience they deserve.
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Cras interdum lacus sit. Praesent iaculis vestibulum frin-
gilla condimentum sit amet...

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Cras interdum lacus sit. Praesent iaculis vestibulum frin-
gilla condimentum sit amet...

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Long Swimming Pool Steel, Inc.

3920 East Coronado, Suite G
Anaheim, CA 92807
Toll Free:: (800) 524-8172
Office:      (714) 524-8172
Fax:         (714) 632-7757